Cleaning Checklist

Sue Jones Executive Property Management

Cleaning Checklist

This checklist may assist to maximise your Bond refund.


 Vacuum and clean all sliding doors and window tracks.

 Sweep and/or mop all non carpeted floors, removing any marks.

 Carpets are to be left in the same condition as marked on the original Residential Condition Report allowing for fair wear and tear. If required, carpets are to be cleaned.

 Carpets to be professionally cleaned and fumigate for fleas – by registered Pest Company, if pets were kept at Property. Supply paid invoice copy which specifies service details.

 Clean light fittings – gently remove light fittings and clean.

 Clean marks off walls, ceilings and light switches.

 Clean skirting boards, windows including frames, sills and tracks, above cupboards, picture rails, architraves and both sides of all doors, all other fittings, and insect/security screens etc.

 Clean curtains and blinds. Refer to Agent for method advice.

 Clean in wardrobes, shelves, drawers and mirrored doors. Remove scuff marks.

 Remove all cobwebs and insect marks and nests.


 Clean inside and outside of all cupboards and doors.

 Clean inside, outside and around stove.

 Clean inside and outside of oven, griller, doors, trays, racks, glass.

 Clean inside, outside and behind refrigerator and dishwasher and microwave space.

 Clean sink, especially drain holes, drainers and tap ware.

 Range hood exhaust and filter- filter can be removed and cleaned.


 Clean all walls, floors, mirrors and windows and window tracks.

 Clean inside and outside all cupboards and drawers.

 Clean toilet, bath, shower recess, remove built up soap residue on tiles and shower screens, clean sink and all tapware, towel rails.

 Clean water outlet in shower and bath of hair and soap build up.

 Shower curtain washed with bleach or replace if applicable.


 Clean behind, inside and around washing machine space. Clean equipment and filters if applicable.  Clean inside, outside and behind dryer. Remove lint.(if applicable)

 Clean inside, outside and around laundry tub, cabinets, shelves, drawers, tap ware.


 Clean all air conditioner units and filters.


 Sweep and mop, clean railings, glass and light fittings.

 Remove all cobwebs etc.


 Sweep out and remove any oil residue from concrete, pavers, paths, driveways.

 Ensure Council bins are empty OR place bins out on footpath for next collection

 Close and lock garage door, if applicable.


 Mow lawn, trim all edges, weed gardens, general garden tidy, remove all rubbish.

 Return pool to condition as at start of the Tenancy and if required in the Tenancy Agreement, supply a Pool Handover report to Agent – Report to be completed on the end date of the Tenancy Agreement.


 Ensure all items are clean and are located in original rooms as per Inventory list.


In the event that you need assistance to prepare the Property for the Vacate Inspection, the following is a list of Suppliers/Contractors who are recommended by our Agency.  These Suppliers are approved and guaranteed to meet our service standard which means that if the item does not meet our Inspection standard, then the Contractor will be required to remedy any issues – not you.  This guarantee does not cover damage to the property.

Please organize for your carpets to be professionally cleaned and don’t forget to bring your receipts when handing in the keys,

You are also required to organize pest control for flea treatment if you have a pet at the property,


Vacate Clean

Price Rite

Diane – 0407 971 696

Lawn Mowing

G.B Mowing & Maintenance

Gordon – 0452 381 728

Vacate Clean


Kim – 0415 814 427

Window Clean

ReMarkable Clean

0419 093 014


Urban Retic

Gary – 0452 381 728

Window Clean

Active Window Clean

9305 0846

Pest Control

Quinns Pest Control

Geoff – 9305 8992


North Perth Gardens & Lawns

Jason – 0472 595 453